What We Do

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Improving Health

GPS works in the health area, fighting against malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, malnutrition, and chronic diseases. We strive to increase access to and use of clean water, sanitation and hygiene for all people. We aim to strengthen community health systems and achieve greater health coverage and reduce mortality. Our objectives include also: (i) improving knowledge and practice of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, preventive measures among the adult population and vulnerable population groups, particularly women and youth; (ii) developing and expanding medical treatment, preventive care and support services for people and families at risk.

We support local hospitals, diagnostic and treatment centres by providing personnel and medicines. We work with national teaching and training institutions to build and increase their capacity by providing teaching aids, engaging doctors and trained health care providers. We help national authorities to build institutional capacity and implement best practices.

Protection of human rights and gender equality

GPS is also active in the human rights area, as it works to promote and protect human rights and gender equality.  Human rights barriers and discrimination hinder the effective fight against the above referred diseases. Thus, promoting and protecting human rights and non-discrimination is required to achieve an effective response to the diseases. Our work targets the empowerment of women and girls, and fighting against gender-based violence, child marriage and child solders. We work for improving the education in sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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training and education services

GPS has also an education services portfolio. Our goal is to improve the quality of education in developing countries by providing training to teachers and other school personnel, linking education programs to health, nutrition and livelihoods initiatives, helping communities gain access to education.


In its areas of work, GPS partners with local governments and international organizations, like the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, WHO, UNICEF, Caritas Torit, Care, Jubilee Campaign and others.
